Before deep-diving into the Must-Read Personal Finance Book collection, we recommend you write down your life-end goals because money is a tool, not a target. Without clear life end-goals, it is easy to mistake making money and a successful career as your life goals. A compelling personal vision statement will inspire you toward self-mastery and to realize your best self. Without a clear life vision, getting distracted and losing sight of what is important to you is easy.
Don’t get obsessed with making money, get obsessed with living a great life and gaining new experiences while helping others solve their problems. Your Must-Read Personal Finance Book No. 1: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey – Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind.
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Free reading tools: 1. Libby: visit your local public libraries to open library cards, download the Libby app to your phone and add your library cards to the app to access free library ebooks and audiobooks (selected countries); 2. – free scanned ebooks and auto-generated audiobooks (worldwide).
When you read, make notes along the way, and do not take any suggestion from a book as an absolute answer or reject an idea just because you do not use or understand it. Keep reading, keep making notes of what you find helpful, new, and controversial, and put them into practice to test them. We recommend following the book order 2-3-4-5 if you have an income stream. If not, I recommend doing the reverse order 5-4-3-2.
Must-Read Personal Finance Book No. 2: Your Money Or Your Life by Joseph R. Dominguez and Vicki Robin – provides insights to help you analyze your relationship with money. This book relates to the rising FIRE trend (FIRE stands for financial independence, retire early). Whether you love your job or do not want to retire early, learning about the tools and concepts used by the FIRE communities is still essential. The Simple Path to Wealth by J. L. Collins is another recommended book to learn more about using low-cost index funds. Both books promote living a simple life with freedom.
Must-Read Personal Finance Book No. 3: I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi – provides clear steps to help you create a conscious spending plan and automate expense, saving, and investment. Ramit promotes a rich life vision where you can spend money on things you love guilt-free.
Must-Read Personal Finance Book No. 4: Buy This Not That by Sam Dogen – a new book published in 2022 – provides clear steps to help you set up a foundation to grow and manage your financial wealth. Sam prefers using real estate to build wealth, but it does not mean it is the only way. Sam promotes a comfortable family lifestyle with freedom.
Must-Read Personal Finance Book No. 5: The Millionaire Fastlane by M. J. DeMarco – provides entrepreneurial insights and guidance to start your own business. M. J. promotes an entrepreneurial rich life with freedom.
Calmista has additional tools and resources to help you grow holistic wealth and be your best self.
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